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MP Zaake versus Deputy Speaker



The case in which Mityana Municipality MP, Francis Zaake, risks losing his privileged position as a Commissioner of Parliament for allegedly insulting Deputy Speaker Anita Among has taken a new twist. Zaake is now questioning why his privileges as a commissioner, including his official vehicle and security detail, have been withdrawn before the case is concluded. The youthful legislator says such action shows that the deputy Speaker, who now chairs the Commission of Parliament, is playing the role of judge, jury and executioner in the matter against him.

Now the committee is waiting to hear from the Clerk to Parliament over the issue. The committee summoned the clerk to explain the circumstances under which Zaake’s privileges as a parliamentary commissioner are being withdrawn.

Ordinarily the clerk stays above the fray when it comes to politicking in parliament. But in this case, the Clerk is none other than longtime government side legislator, immediate former defence minister, and ruling party top honcho, Adolf Mwesige.

The appearance of Mwesige before the disciplinary committee means an administrator of Parliament and also a non-partisan figure in his position as Clerk, is going to be sucked in the unending battles between the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) and the opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) that have already consumed an inordinate amount of time and resources of the 500 member-plus parliament.

It will be interesting to see how Mwesige, whose appointment to oversee administration of parliament as Clerk was seen by some to have debased the office.

A tussle of personalities

The tussle between Zaake and the Deputy Speaker has until now been analysed through the lenses of opposition versus ruling party politics in parliament. But the personality of Zaake, Deputy Speaker Anita Among, and Zaake’s main accuser; Bardege-Layibi Division MP Martin Ojara Mapenduzi, have also come under scrutiny.

When Martin Ojara moved the motion in parliament seeking the removal of Zaake from the Parliamentary Commission, he heightened the tension within the opposition camp which is nursing bruises from internal fights.  The latest fight was over failure to present a united front during their earlier motion to censure Security Minister Jim Muhwezi. The motion was doomed to fail on the basis of numbers but the divisions within the opposition muddied the loss.

NUP wanted Muhwezi censured for the rampant torture being meted out to government critics and opponents but the censure was called off after barely two weeks.

Mapenduzi is an independent MP, who is allied to the Opposition because NUP appointed him as chair of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for Local Government. His action has further divided the opposition because many people expected Mapenduzi to look out for the interests of a fellow opposition MP and not to seek their downfall.

According to parliament rules, chairpersons of accountability committees are ex-officios of the Shadow Cabinet. This makes their positions subservient to the Opposition agenda in parliament. It is why Mapenduzi’s motion in parliament against Zaake was received with anguish by members of NUP because Zaake is a key member of the party that elevated Mapenduzi to a plum post in parliament.

On Feb. 23, a day after the Parliamentary committee on Rules, Discipline and Privileges began a probe into the Zaake case, Leader of Opposition (LOP) in parliament, Mathias Mpuuga addressed the matter and expressed concern that the probe was being aided by Mapenduzi, an independent MP, who is allied to the Opposition.

“But all I can say is that we are a House of leaders and if a disagreement of the nature arises, my considered view is that it can be resolved without resorting to legalese because, at the end of the day, if you ask me from my vantage point of view and experience, there will be no winner,” Mpuuga was quoted as saying.

Two days after Mpuuga addressed the issue, NUP started a retreat for the Shadow Cabinet which includes Mapenduzi.  It is not clear what was said about the issue during the retreat.

Meanwhile, with the Speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanyah away undergoing treatment in the U.S. Deputy Speaker of Parliament Anita Among’s personality has come under scrutiny.

According to some observers, she appears to view her position, as the de facto third-most senior citizen in the land, as a source of unprecedented power. Critics say she has perpetuated the partisan bickering and abuse of office that has defined the office of the Speaker of the Ugandan parliament for years. Even before Oulanyah’s departure, observers said Deputy Speaker Anita Among wielded enormous power in the 11th parliament and was not shy to use it.

In October 2021, Among as Deputy Speaker formally became a member of the Commission of Parliament after the Administration of Parliament (Amendment) Bill 2021 was passed.

The escalating feud between her and Zaake has fuelled a partisan war in the House that has engulfed the Commission of Parliament where Zaake sits as a member and threatened to derail the agenda of the opposition and the commission.

The Deputy Speaker wants Zaake removed from the commission for an alleged Twitter post where he sharply rebuked her for mocking him as a phony victim of torture.  She has rallied MPs to her cause for Zaake’s ouster. The Parliamentary Committee on Rules, Discipline and Privileges which is hearing the case is chaired by Bugweri County MP Abdu Katuntu, a long-time associate of the deputy speaker.  The duo caused a stir when they headed a probe into Bank of Uganda by the Parliamentary Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities, and State Enterprises (COSASE).  Katuntu was the chair and Among was the deputy chair.

The probe has, therefore, left NUP, the largest opposition party in parliament and where Zaake belongs, on the defensive.

Joel Ssenyonyi, the MP for Nakawa West, and spokesperson of NUP, said weeks ago on a radio talk show that the motion to remove Zaake was setting a dangerous precedent of woe unto anyone who criticises the deputy speaker.

Zaake’s lawyers Eron Kiiza, Benjamin Katana and Marvin Saasi argued before the Rules committee headed by Katuntu lacks the jurisdiction to try him since the matter is one of individual grievance.

“What crimes, civil wrongs, disparaging remarks, unethical conduct against the Deputy Speaker or Members of Parliament committed outside Parliament are matters for such institutions as Police, Courts or other non-parliamentary related organs are empowered to handle,” the lawyers said.

It is widely believed that that the Deputy Speaker is going after Zaake because he dared to challenge her authority in a House where she has been the de facto Speaker since the inception of the 11th parliament in May last year.

Removal of a Commissioner

Katuntu, the committee chair, said the committee will not inquire outside of the committee but only what was referred to it. Zaake, his lawyers and other opposition MPs interpreted this as a no go area for the comments made by the deputy speaker that infuriated Zaake.

It is on record that Zaake was beaten by police and the army during the by-election for Kayunga in December 2021 and in many other instances.

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The Huawei ICT Innovations Cup Football
Tournament 2024 concluded in spectacular fashion as MTN Uganda emerged
victorious over Huawei Technologies Uganda Company Limited in a thrilling final
held at Kampala International School Uganda football grounds on Saturday 20 th
July, 2024. The dramatic match ended with a score of two goals to one,
highlighting the skill and determination of both teams.

The awarding ceremony that followed was a grand celebration of talent and
sportsmanship. The Chief guest, Dr Aminah Zawedde, The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of ICT and National Guidance and other distinguished guests including
The Undersecretary Ministry of ICT and National Guidance Ms. Sophia
Nantongo, Chief Marketing Officer MTN Uganda, Mr. Sen Somdev, Huawei
Technologies Uganda Managing Director, Mr. Sunrise Xie, were present to honor
the achievements of the teams and players. The coveted Huawei ICT Innovations
Cup trophy was presented to MTN Uganda by the chief guest amid a shower of
confetti and cheers from the crowd.

The Chief Guest, Dr. Aminah Zawedde, Permanent Secretary Ministry of ICT and
National Guidance graced the cheerful event. She congratulated MTN Uganda
for the well-deserved win and extended her heartfelt gratitude to all the teams,
players, coaches, and supporters who came together to make the tournament
possible. She appreciated Huawei Technologies Uganda Co. Limited for
organizing the football tournament which is in alignment with the efforts of the
Government of Uganda to address the growing burden of lifestyle diseases. Dr
Aminah also appreciated the opportunities presented for the technical officers
in the ICT sector to meet in a different environment to network, exchange ideas

and grow their connections. She closed by urging all members present to stay
innovative. “Innovation knows no boundaries, so let’s innovate in the field
sports just as Huawei has done by organizing this tournament and I hope it
becomes an annual event” said Dr. Aminah

Mr. Sunrise Xie, Managing Director of Huawei Uganda office in his remarks at
the awarding ceremony emphasized the importance of cocurricular activities for
the stakeholders in the ICT industry. The tournament transcended the
boundaries of a mere sports match; it was a vibrant platform for the ICT sector
to forge connections, exchange insights, and foster collective growth. “Your
passion and commitment have brought excitement and joy to all of us. Each
match was a testament to your hard work, and each goal a highlight of your
talent.” said Mr. Sunrise Xie. He thanked each team for being part of this
extraordinary journey and appreciated them all for the exceptional performance
and sportsmanship exhibited.

The players representative, Mr. Luyonde Henry from Airtel Uganda thanked
Huawei Technologies Uganda for a well-organized tournament and the
opportunity for Airtel Uganda to participate in such an activity. He congratulated
his team for making it to the semifinals of the tournament and the spirited
display of teamwork that brought Airtel Uganda thus far in the competitions. He
went to add “We have seen fierce competition, but we have also seen players
helping each other up, teams congratulating their opponents, and fans coming
together in their love for the game.”

The tournament awarding ceremony kicked off with a thrilling game between
Ministry of Health and Airtel Uganda to determine the 2nd runners up which set
the spirit of competition. The game was marked by intense action and strategic
play from both sides but in the end, victory belonged to Ministry of health after
scoring three goals to one. MTN Uganda later took on Huawei Technologies
Uganda Company Limited in an ambitious and action-packed game which ended
MTN 2 – Huawei 1. Overall, it was a gripping match showcasing the skill and

determination of both teams. The tournament was launched of 8th June, 2024
by the Minister of ICT and National Guidance Hon. Dr. Chris Baryomunsi and run
over a couple of weekends till the final and awarding ceremony.

Huawei Technologies Uganda Co. Limited organized the first ever Huawei ICT
Innovation Cup Football Tournament as a means of encouraging physical activity
to combat desk-bound lifestyles by bringing together different enterprises from
both the public and private sectors for a spirited display of team work and
friendly competition on the football field. The tournament also aimed at
fostering social networks and sportsmanship by bringing together Ministry of ICT
and National Guidance, Uganda Communications Commission, National
Information Technology Authority-Uganda, MTN Uganda and Huawei
Technologies Uganda Co. Ltd in group A. While group B consisted of Uganda
Police Force, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda
Revenue Authority, Ministry of Health and Airtel Uganda.

Some of the other awards won included, Fighting Spirit Award-Ministry of
Finance, Planning and Economic Development. Best Organizer Award-Uganda
Revenue Authority, Fan's Favorite Team-Ministry of ICT and National Guidance,
Most Entertaining Team-MTN Uganda, Future Star Award-Airtel Uganda,
Corporate Pioneer Award-National Information Technology Authority – Uganda,
Team Spirit Award-Uganda Communications Commission and the Community
Involvement Award-Uganda Police Force. Most Valuable Player-Bruce Mushabe
of MTN, Golden Boot Award-Jose of MTN, Golden Glove Award-Isaac Opiini of
Huawei and the Best Coach Award-MTN Coach.

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Ntoroko Edges Kyaka in Thrilling Tooro Kingdom MTN Masaza Cup




Agripping showdown at the Humura playground in Kyegegwa district, Ntoroko County FC
secured a narrow 1-0 victory over Kyaka County FC, knocking them out of the Tooro Kingdom
MTN Masaza Cup. Kaswara Ason's decisive 34th-minute goal, the only score in an entertaining
game filled with missed opportunities, sealed Kyaka’s fate in the tournament.
Kyaka FC started the match on a strong note, with Frank Asiimwe showcasing his skills early
on. His solo run in the opening moments set the stage for multiple chances, though none found
the back of the net. Despite their spirited performance, Kyaka couldn't convert their dominance
into goals.
The game, played under challenging weather conditions due to a heavy downpour, saw
moments of high drama. Thomas Mugisa, making his tournament debut, posed a constant
threat. His appeals for a penalty in the 81st minute after a challenge from Ntoroko defender
Michael Bwamble were, however, waved away by the referee, adding to Kyaka’s frustrations as
they hunted for an equalizer.
Ntoroko's victory ensured their spot in the semifinals, joining Burahya, who also advanced as
the best losers of the group stage. Ntoroko County Member of Parliament, Gerald Rwemulikya,
praised his team for their resilience and performance. "Kyaka was at home and they created
many chances. This was our first time playing at Humura playground, but we managed to get a
well-deserved win. I want to congratulate my players and wish them luck in the next stage,"
Rwemulikya said.
Elsewhere in the tournament, Kyaka County became the fourth team to be eliminated, following
Kitagwenda, Kibaale, and Mwenge North. Their exit left the Kyaka county supporters in silence,
contemplating what might have been.
Tooro Kingdom's sports minister, Wandera Michael Enganjani, highlighted the broader
significance of the annual sports tournaments. "These tournaments are meant to promote
talents and fight against HIV/AIDS, which is very high in Fort Portal according to a Uganda AIDS
Commission survey," he said. Enganjani commended MTN Uganda for their continuous support
and promised unwavering cooperation in future events.
Aggrey Byaruhanga, MTN's regional marketing officer, reiterated the importance of health and
safety among the participants and supporters. "I appeal to Tooro Kingdom subjects to continue
testing for HIV and using condoms if they cannot abstain," Byaruhanga stated.
Looking ahead, the Tooro Kingdom MTN Masaza Cup will feature a clash between Fort Portal
City and Bunyangabu County next Sunday at the King Oyo Sports Complex in Bukwali at 3 PM.
The Tooro Kingdom MTN Masaza Cup continues to deliver thrilling football action, with
community engagement and health awareness being vital components of the event's mission.

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Huawei provides a preferred hybrid cloud to accelerate industry intelligence for Africa




[Johannesburg, South Africa] Huawei recently announced the launch of its Huawei Cloud Stack 8.3
offering at the Huawei Africa Connect 2024 conference in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The launch of the offering was announced in a keynote speech delivered by Hu Yuhai, Vice President
of Huawei Hybrid Cloud. Titled, "Leap to Cloud to Accelerate Industrial Intelligence", the speech also
saw Hu provide details on how Huawei Cloud Stack provides trusted cloud infrastructure, innovative
cloud service abilities and extensive industry know-how to help government and enterprise
customers in Africa accelerate cloud adoption.

In line with this, Huawei Cloud has ramped up investments in Africa to support the continent's
development into an intelligent digital hub. The journey began in 2018, with the launch of Africa's
first public cloud region of Huawei Cloud in Johannesburg, South Africa. This was followed by a
significant expansion in June, 2024, with the launch of Northern Africa's first public cloud region of
Huawei Cloud in Cairo, Egypt. Huawei Cloud has been recognised as one of the fastest-growing cloud
providers in the world.

"Huawei Cloud strives to be the preferred cloud for intelligent transformation,” said Hu. As per our
mission statement of being, ‘In Africa, For Africa’, we are ready to work alongside our customers and
partners with better technologies, industry solutions, and ecosystem resources."

Press Release

Hu Yuhai, Vice President of Huawei Hybrid Cloud

Huawei’s expanded cloud activity reflects the fact that government and enterprise customers in
Africa are keen to embrace intelligent and digital transformation. Huawei Cloud is dedicated to
offering an industry-leading hybrid cloud solution, empowering customers to spark cloud innovation.
Huawei Cloud Stack 8.3 boasts a wide array of enhanced cloud services and features to provide a
trusted, more resilient cloud native foundation. It boosts innovation in the following key areas and
making new technologies locally available as fast as possible:
 Trusted cloud infrastructure: Huawei has continuously invested in foundational software and
hardware technologies alike, has established secure, reliable, and open cloud native infrastructure,
and provides green, low-carbon IT hardware and data center infrastructure. Huawei aims to lay a
robust foundation for digital transformation in Africa.
 Innovative cloud service abilities: Huawei leverages data and AI technologies to provide
numerous cloud services, aiming to help customers unleash the value of data and enhance data
 Extensive industry know-how: Huawei provides a series of professional services, covering
high-level design, service planning, implementation, and deliveries, based on robust experience from
numerous global projects. Huawei looks to work with more industry partners to help customers
accelerate intelligent and digital transformation.

In Africa, For Africa: Huawei Cloud Stack accelerates industry intelligence for Africa with three

During the conference, Huawei also held its "Leap2Cloud"event, which attracted more than 300
enterprise executives and IDC experts customers from diverse sectors like government, finance,
transportation, and energy in Sub-Saharan Africa. They came together to share their insights and
collaboratively explore pathways for a leap to the cloud.

During the event, Bai Yan, Vice President of Huawei Cloud for the Southern Africa Region, delivered a
keynote speech titled, "Huawei Cloud Stack, the Preferred Cloud for Africa Industry Digitalisation."

"As industry customers drive forward with cloud adoption and intelligent transformation, they
encountered certain challenges, such as unforeseen issues with submarine optical cables, inefficient
methods of acquiring cloud resources, and concerns over data sovereignty,” he said. “Huawei Cloud
Stack helps them address these challenges with three strengths. It provides on-premised, reliable

Press Release

and secure cloud infrastructure, as well as offers an extensive suite of over 110 cloud
services—unmatched in the industry—alongside a diversified partner ecosystem. All these are
designed to help government and enterprise customers in Africa accelerate industry intelligence."

Bai Yan, Vice President of Huawei Cloud for the Sub-Saharan Africa Region

Huawei Cloud is eager to enhance cooperation with industry customers and partners to develop
scenario-specific solutions tailored to industry needs in Africa and create a thriving local digital
ecosystem together.

"Digital transformation is currently experiencing an exponential growth,” said Xiao Yi, President of
Huawei Cloud’s Global Ecosystem Solution Department. “We are stepping into the era of intelligence.
Huawei Cloud looks forward to joining hands with African partners to build a new foundation for an
intelligent world, develop digital solutions, and reshape industries with intelligence."

Press Release

Xiao Yi, President of Huawei Cloud Global Ecosystem Solution Dept

With innovative technologies and a vast array of industry-specific solutions, Huawei Cloud Stack
currently serves more than 5,500 government and enterprise customers around the world, leading
multiple markets, such as the hybrid cloud markets in China and the emerging Asia-Pacific region.

Moving forward, Huawei Cloud will continue to spur innovation, expand industry know-how, and
develop more customer-centric services to help more African customers move to, use, and manage
the cloud better. Huawei Cloud looks forward to joining hands with more African customers to
unlock new opportunities in industry intelligence and create an intelligent future.

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